There are three types of interpretation to choose from: Consecutive, Simultaneous Whispering, Simultaneous Booth-Type.

We provide the following interpretation services:


Minimum Cost of Interpretation:

Type of EventUsual Type of InterpretationRateNo. of Interpreter
Business Meeting with 1 to 5 personsConsecutivePHP 9,600 per 3 hours1
Simultaneous InterviewSimultaneous WhisperingPHP 14,400 per 3 hours1
Business Meeting with more than 5 personsSimultaneous WhisperingPHP 14,400 per 3 hours1
Seminars or ConferencesSimultaneous Booth-TypePHP 28,800 per 3 hours2

Every additional hour (at least 15 minutes excess) to a session shall be charged to the client: PHP 2,450.00 for consecutive; PHP6,400.00 for simultaneous whispering; PHP12,800.00 for simultaneous booth-type interpretation. The final number of hours of interpretation is according to the actual event program. Food, drinks, transportation, and accommodation are provided by the client.

To get a quotation, please submit the following information at least 1 month prior to the event.


    Full Name (required):

    Email Address (required):

    Mobile Number (required):

    Event Date (required):

    Event Venue (required):

    Conference Topic (required):

    Number of Attendees:

    Number of hours of Interpretation:


    Consecutive Interpretation

    Simultaneous Whispering

    Simultaneous Booth-Type

    * (required field)

    B. The second way of getting a quotation is to email


    209 Nicanor Garcia St. Bel-Air II, Makati City, 1209
    Philippines Website:

    (A.) The client shall be charged per session of interpretation. The minimum rate of 1 session is equivalent to 3 hours or less, with a mid-session break of 15 minutes. In case of two or more consecutive sessions, the interpreter/s will have a 90-minute lunch break.

    • 6 hours including a 90-minute lunch break (8AM to 2PM or 9AM to 3PM) = 2 sessions
    • 8 hours including a 90-minute lunch break (8AM to 5PM or 9AM to 6PM) = 3 sessions

    (B.) Every additional hour (at least 15 minute excess) to a session shall be charged to the client:

    • PHP 1,600.00 for consecutive interpretation
    • PHP 4,200.00 for simultaneous whispering
    • PHP 8,400.00 for simultaneous booth-type interpretation

    (C.) The final number of hours of interpretation is according to the actual event program.

    (D.) Interpretation requests, schedule and/or location  changes and cancellations must be done 2 weeks before the set session date. In case the client fails to cancel in time, he will be charged for the dates requested for the interpreter’s service.

    (E.) The client shall provide:

    • Any necessary document or material for the interpreter to better understand the topic to be discussed during the event.
    • Beverages during the session and meals when there is more than one session
    • Transportation and accommodation for the interpreter

    (F.) Payment can be done via cash, credit card, or check to the order of Alliance Française of Manila, Inc. At least 60% of the total charge must be settled upon signing this Agreement. The balance shall be paid to AFM or the interpreter upon completion of the job. All local/international bank charges, if any, shall be shouldered by the client.

    (G.) The rights and obligations of Alliance Française de Manille are strictly limited to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Both parties bond themselves to respect any additional conditions not stipulated, provided however that the said conditions were agreed upon by both parties in writing.

    1. What is Interpretation?
      Interpretation refers to the explanation of an idea or concept from one language to another. This process requires an official interpreter who understands and has an in-depth knowledge of both languages. Such a process is mainly verbal.
    2. Who needs Interpretation?
      • People who have a meeting with French-speaking business partners.
      • Organizations which seminars or conferences accommodate French-speaking participants or audience.
      • French-speaking politicians or dignitaries who have interviews in the Philippines.
    3. What events need interpretation?
      Any event which requires both the English and the French languages need interpretation.The usual subjects that we encounter in seminars or conferences are on the environment and climate change, humanitarian concerns, educational conferences on ecologic economy and others. The interpreters do not hold their personal points of view on any topic given by the client. They understand their role is merely as a communication channel.
    4. What languages does AFM interpret?
      We provide the following interpretation services: ENGLISH – FRENCH | FRENCH – ENGLISH | ENGLISH - FILIPINO | FILIPINO - ENGLISH  
    5. If there were more than 10 people in the event, how much will it cost?
      If there were more than 10 people in the event, the cost would be PHP 18,900.00 per 3 hours.
    6. If there were less than 10 people in the event, how much will it cost?
      If there were less than 10 people in the event, the cost would be PHP 9,450.00 per 3 hours.
    7. How much do I pay for the interpretation?
      See the prices in this page above.
    8. How are the hours counted in the interpretation?
      The hours are counted per session. One session is equivalent to 3 hours or less of interpretation service. Every additional hour (at least 15 minute excess) to a session shall be charged to the client:
      • PHP 1,600.00 for consecutive interpretation
      • PHP 4,200.00 for simultaneous whispering interpretation
      • PHP 8,400.00 for simultaneous booth-type interpretation
    9. Are your interpreters French?
      Yes, we have French, Canadian, and Filipino interpreters.
    10. Do I need to deposit to confirm the service?
      Yes, we require at least 60% payment of the estimated price provided in the quotation request to confirm the job order.